Personal Branding Photography

5 Common Misconceptions About Personal Brand Photography

Portrait of a lady sitting on the floor with legs crossed and cupping her face.

May 22, 2023

I’m Alison.
I live for chocolate, usually wearing three layers (I feel the cold), and can't wait to travel overseas again.
Oh...and my obsession is creating beautiful, quality imagery that helps you communicate your personal brand story.
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PErsonal branding must have images

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After 10 of years as a photographer, I’ve heard all the misconceptions there are about personal branding imagery!

So many business owners have bought into the myths about who personal branding is for and what it can accomplish.

Falling for these myths can lead to missed opportunities to truly connect with your audience and grow your brand, so let’s dive in to separate the fact from the fiction.


1. You have to be an influencer-type with a lot of followers to get your personal branding photos taken.

Personal branding photography is for anyone with a brand or a business who is seeking to connect with clients and customers online – regardless of how many social media followers they have. 

In fact, becoming the face of your business, even when you’re just starting out, is the best way to connect and build trust with your new audience.

2. You have to be “photogenic”

You wouldn’t turn down a client meeting or a networking event because you’re not photogenic, so don’t lose out on all the connections you can make by sharing your authentic self online.

In fact, images that show you have as you truly are can be the thing that sets you apart in a crowded marketplace.

Personal branding photography is about authenticity and showcasing what’s special about your brand or business – you can’t do that if you’re worried about looking perfect.

3. You have to spend a ton of money

Many people assume that personal branding photography is going to be exorbitantly expensive.

While there are pricier packages out there, many professional personal branding photographers offer a few different price points, so chances are that you can find one that fits the budget.

It’s also important to remember that investing in high-quality personal branding photos can pay off in the long run by motivating you to play a bigger game as you put yourself out there online and attract more clients or customers.

4. You don’t even need personal branding photos – headshots are just as good

While professional headshots and studio portraits can certainly provide you with high-quality images of you looking your best, they won’t tell a narrative about what you do and how you help people.

The only real information your audience can glean from headshots is what you look like, whereas personal branding photography gives them a much more complete picture of who you are as a business owner.

By incorporating real life elements like your tools of the trade or products, behind-the-scenes shots, pictures of you in action, or lifestyle images, personal branding photography tells the story of what you do and how you can help.

While headshots are useful, there’s no comparing them with personal branding images when it comes to building a relationship with your audience.

5. Personal branding photos are only for individuals

Don’t be thrown off by the word “personal” – the truth is that personal branding photography is not limited to individuals or solopreneurs.

Businesses, especially small businesses, can benefit from personal branding photos that showcase their team’s dynamic, their shared values, and unique qualities.

If any of these myths about personal branding photography have been holding you back from taking the plunge, I hope I’ve shown that the kind of images that can help you achieve your business goals aren’t out of reach.

Personal branding photos are for anyone with a brand or business seeking to connect with clients and customers online.

So don’t let the misconceptions hold you back any longer – it’s time to embrace the power of personal branding photography and take your brand to the next level. 

If you’re ready to elevate your brand and attract more clients this year, check out how we can elevate your personal brand or feel free to book a complimentary 15-minute consultation so I can let you know what kind of images will be most effective for your business.

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