
Hi there! I’m Alison...

Enneagram 3, type A as they come... I'm based in Melbourne and live for chocolate, usually wearing three layers (I feel the cold), and can't wait to travel overseas again.


I left my very safe 9-5 gig
and became a 

It's been my dream since my teens but it wasn't until after my marriage breakdown in my 30's and when I moved to Melbourne to start a new life that I took the enormous leap of becoming a professional photographer.

And when I say enormous, I mean I was leaping over one hell of a gigantic canyon.  You see, I had never worked in the creative industry before let alone tried to run a business.  My education and experience was in science and public health policy - yes truely - the two couldn't have been further apart!

But I had a passion I couldn't let go...


It felt like a dream...

I wish I could say it was the smoothest of rides to get here.  When I finally did take the leap, I dived right in without much strategy or direction - I was doing it all because I was good at it all... weddings, portraiture, lifestyle, architecture, products and food, events... you name it I could shoot it.  And the praise and validation I got from my clients and industry peers about my work reinforced I was doing all the right things.

I convinced myself a paying client (any client) was winning in business! That was living the dream wasn't it?

So there I was the 'chameleon photographer', willing to be any type of photographer my client needed.  Don't get me wrong, I love having the skills to be so adaptable to create the imagery my clients need, but when it came to the business side, I was full of doubt and uncertainty, not really knowing how to show up to attract the work I really wanted.

until it wasn't


THE shift to being my own boSs was now anything but fulfilling my dream

Hardly a personal brand oozing with confidence inspiring others is it?


It’s never too late
to rewrite your
your business
or reignite your

let's work together

The game 

I took a step back and really thought about the type of service I wanted to provide.  Yes, the SERVICE, not just the images I wanted to create, but the problems I wanted to help others solve and what I wanted to help them achieve...and most of all, who it was I wanted to help.

Answering these questions was a TOTAL GAME CHANGER for me.

I realised building my own dream business was not at odds with helping others to achieve theirs.  What a revelation!

Then there was another revelation - or maybe a little surge of panic for this introvert at heart!

I realised I couldn't hide behind my camera any more. I actually had to show up for my business, breathe new life into my personal brand and invite people into my world.  Truth is, even as a photographer I'm not immune to feeling apprehensive in front of the camera and putting myself out there online... JUST LIKE MANY OF MY CLIENTS, I totally get it.

But I had to get real and break up with those insecurities because my need to have the business I wanted outweighed any of those icky feelings.  In fact, images on this page are from that very first branding shoot I did of myself and with all the prep work (hair, makeup, styling) I remember feeling like the best version of myself.  I'm really proud to use all the images from that collection because it represents such a turning point in my business.  

And I want my clients to be immersed in those type of feelings too!


 celebrate the business wins

So this is me...


I'm here to help you magnify and amplify your brand presence for 

My gift is making you feel                 
and                  in front of the camera so you can show your true essence and personality

My gift is making you feel


 in front of the camera so you can show your true essence and personality

My skill is in creating beautiful, quality imagery that helps you communicate your 

business success.
personal brand story.

Your at-a-glance guide to where I stand on all the truly important things.


Favorite indulgence


celeb i'd love to meet

Princess Diana

Guilty pleasure

Hot chips with mayonnaise

alternate universe job:

Fashion Designer

favoUrite place i've been:

New York and Venice

drink of choice

A crisp white!

can't live without

My camera

usually craving

Italian food....and chocolate! 

beach vs mountains

Depends on the season!

favoUrite show to binge

Oh God - there are so many.  Damn you Netflix!

Get in touch!

Drop me a line and tell me what you need!
I'd love to hear from you...

I'm based in Melbourne but love to travel!

Just use the form or send an email to alison@alisonmcwhirter.com.au

I aim to answer all enquiries within my normal business hours of
M-F, 9-4pm.


Instagram is kinda my thing...
Go on, follow me to check out my most recent work!
