Personal Branding Photography

How to leverage personal branding to attract your IDEAL clients!

Two women looking at a laptop and talking.

January 23, 2023

I’m Alison.
I live for chocolate, usually wearing three layers (I feel the cold), and can't wait to travel overseas again.
Oh...and my obsession is creating beautiful, quality imagery that helps you communicate your personal brand story.
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If your brand doesn’t incorporate what resonates with your dream clients, it’s going to miss the mark with the people you’d most like to attract.

All too often business owners build their brands around how they’d like to be perceived rather than what’s actually appealing to their ideal clients.

But a truly effective brand will take your dream client’s POV into account and draw the right people into your business by following these 3 simple steps.

1. The first step is to understand you ideal client avatar

Take some time to consider your favourite clients in the past, the ones that absolutely raved about your services and even referred new clients.

What were they looking for? What problems did you solve for them? What outcomes were they happiest about?

2. Next, use personal branding to highlight all the aspects of your business that appeal most to your target audience

Now that you know what draws in your ideal clients – emphasise that in your branding.

If you’re a health and fitness coach, and your favourite clients love your friendly and gentle style, then your branding should reflect how approachable you are.

If you’re a career coach and your clients rave about the clarity you provide during sessions, then position yourself as a straight-shooting knowledgable authority.

3. Now it’s time to show up online!

Once you’ve built your brand around what resonates most with your dream clients, the final step is to catch their eye.

Show up on the social media platforms where your target audience is most active, and get to posting and commenting!

Your branding will ensure that your content doesn’t go overlooked.

In the end, your personal brand is the difference between attracting your dream clients and blending in with the competition.

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